12 to 17-year-olds can now receive the Pfizer vaccine. The current population number used by Oregon Health Authority for Coos County is 63,315 total population. There are 52,930 who are 16 and over in Coos County. The newest vaccination goal for Coos County is to have 65% of the 16 and older population vaccinated so that most of the restrictions that are currently in place can be lifted. Coos County currently has 51.8 % of those who are 16 and older vaccinated. Vaccine appointment opportunities can be found on the Coos Health and Wellness website at: cooshealthandwellness.org
Please bring your medical insurance card with you to your appointments. If you do not have insurance you will not be turned away and there will be no cost for the vaccine.
Vaccine appointments for Coquille Valley Hospital, Southern Coos Hospital, Bay Area Hospital, and Coos Health & Wellness and Broadway Pharmacy can be scheduled here: https://www.communityhealth.events/scheduler/ or by calling 541-435-7553
Pfizer vaccine is available from some pediatricians in Coos County and at certain sites for ages 12-17. Please read the information on the scheduler carefully to ensure that you are booking the appointment that you need.
North Bend Medical Center has Moderna & Pfizer Please Call 541-266-1788
Pharmacy Links:
Safeway: www.mhealthappointments.com/covidappt
Bi-Mart: www.bimart.com/pharmacy/covid-19-vaccine
Walmart: www.walmart.com/cp/1228302
Walgreens: www.walgreens.com/topic/promotion/covid-vaccine.jsp
Rite Aid: https://www.riteaid.com/covid-vaccine-apt
Fred Meyer: https://www.fredmeyer.com/rx/covid-eligibility
Coast Community Health Center https://book.appointment-plus.com/d0e2e18q/#/ – Phone to Schedule: 541-347-2529.