It appears the Coos Bay Library and 911 Center Bond measure has failed. The City of Coos Bay had sought a 20-million-dollar bond to build a new library in John Topits Park in Empire. The city was seeking to relocate and build and new library after structural issues with the existing building were happening. Coos Bay Citizens voted 61 percent against the measure, however numbers will not be unofficially finalized for another week. Coos Bay Mayor Joe Benetti says he is planning to meet with the committee to determine the next steps. It’s likely they will regroup, analyze the responses and determine how to address the need for a library and 911 center, along with how to address the concerns of citizens. City Manager Rodger Craddock said it will likely go back to the council for a discussion. He says the council and staff will need to determine the reasons that caused people to vote no and how to move forward with that information.