After a review of the permitting developments and prospects for obtaining permits, the Managers of the Jordan Cove Energy Project and the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline have decided not to move forward with the project. The organization also officially requested the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission vacate the authorizations issued in an authorization order. The project would have constructed and operated a liquefied natural gas export terminal on Coos Bay’s North Spit and an interstate natural gas pipeline in Klamath, Jackson, Douglas, and Coos Counties. The applicant says they’ve been unable to obtain necessary state-issued permits and authorization from various Oregon state agencies. On January 19th, the Commission issued an order denying applicants’ petition for declaratory order, determining Oregon had not waived its Clean Water Act Section 401 certification Authority. In February the Department of Commerce sustained Oregon’s objection under the Coastal Zone Management Act. The paperwork was delivered today.
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