Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center officials say a COVID surge is taxing the Bandon Health Center’s Lab. 90 people were tested Tuesday with 21 percent testing positive for COVID. They also confirmed ten Bandon restaurants and businesses have closed or reduced their hours after staff tested positive for COVID. Those who have made the announcements publicly include Tony’s Crab Shack, The Loft, Bandon Coffee Café, Rancho Viejo, The Bandon VFW Hall, Subway, Tin Cup Coffee drive-through, Human Bean drive-through, Rolling Pin Bake and Brew, and the Yoga Hive. Health officials encourage masking up and taking safety precautions to avoid infection. If you need a COVID test done, contact your health provider to get a referral then set up an appointment. A drive-up registration and test administration process is in place outside the hospital. Currently, there are no COVID hospitalizations at Southern Coos Hospital. Coos Health and wellness reported 13 hospitalizations at other county hospitals today (Wednesday).