Oregon Governor Kate Brown has requested an expedited federal declaration of disaster for the salmon industry after three consecutive years of poor fishery performance. The declaration for the Ocean Commercial Salmon Fisheries’ would begin the process for federal aid to assist the fishery-dependent communities. It will also help recover and restore salmon populations and develop management strategies to ensure long-term health and sustainability. According to a letter from the Governor, fisheries south of Cape Falcon near the northern Oregon border, have recently been affected. The letter states it’s due to reduced allowable catches of Fall Chinook, ocean conditions, and spatial shifts in the ocean for migratory species. The Governor also states, fishing has occurred throughout portions of the year, however commercial harvest was reduced. Governor Brown says “salmon are vital components of Oregon’s natural resources and provide significant commercial, recreational, economic and aesthetics that benefit the state. They are also highly valued by the Native American tribes for cultural, subsistence, and economic benefits.” The letter was sent on the 4th to the US Secretary of Commerce in Washington D.C.