On January 30, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. the Coos County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center received information about a subject who was missing and last seen by family on January 27th. The woman was identified as Alicia Mariah Tate 27 years of age, of Coos Bay.
Family members believe Alicia may have been with two men, possible names Brandon Burman, and Mason Henderson. The family further believes Alicia or these men may be associated with a newer silver van.
Alicia is described as 5’08” 165 lbs. with brown hair and blue eyes. Alicia has a tattoo on both forearms with one reading, “Alicia,” and the other reading, “Tate.” Alicia has an additional tattoo in the shape of a pink heart on the webbing of her hand.
Alicia has been entered by the Coos County Sheriff’s Office as a missing person. If you have any information on Alicia’s whereabouts please contact Sgt. Justin Clayburn or the Coos County Sheriff’s Office at 541-396-7800.