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North Bend Police Department Will Face Extensive Review

The North Bend City Council moved to hire a consultant that will be instructed to do a full review of the Police Department. The city is seeking a detailed report on the efficiency of the department which will include staffing, scheduling, overtime, and general operations. The consultant will also be instructed to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the department. The council is requesting a pay analysis of similar-sized departments in Oregon including any incentives and benefits. Mayor Jessica Engelke said the council’s vote followed a special Executive Session on Tuesday. She added the action is to address the concerns citizens, law enforcement and the council have been discussing for months following a public vote that reduced the public safety fee in May of 2020.
City officials did not connect this weeks’ action to a letter from Police Officers Association President Patrick Kinney released to the public by a local television station last week seeking the resignation of the city administrator. The letter also cites low staff numbers, excessive overtime, and personnel burnout. Mayor Engelke and Administrator David Milliron declined to comment citing the city’s policy regarding personnel matters.
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