Passerby Rescues Car Accident Victim

A local young man is being hailed as a hero after a daring rescue over the weekend. Coos County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Gabriel Fabrizio says Cameron Aldrich jumped into action after learning a person remained in a car that had flipped upside down in Catching Slough east of Coos Bay. The accident happened shortly before 2 o’clock Sunday morning. Aldrich reportedly jumped into the water and mud and pulled the 15-year-old girl out of the car. She was unconscious and not breathing according to Fabrizio. The young man reportedly got her to shore and started CPR until she began breathing on her own. Afterward, Aldrich took her to his car which had been running with the heater on full blast. Fabrizio believes his timely intervention was instrumental in her rescue. Aldrich is the son of North Bay Fire District Chief Jim Aldrich. There is no word on the young girls’ condition, but she remains in the care of a Portland hospital.

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