An armed robbery near Stock Still Lane in Bandon was reported to the Coos County Sheriff’s Office around 8:30 yesterday evening. Deputies responded to the residence and learned that a male approximately six-foot-tall and 200 pounds had approached the homeowner. The man was allegedly wearing a white hard hat, reflective vest, and a black mask. The victim also told the deputy that there was also another individual dressed in the same clothing but smaller stature. The victim told authorities that they tried to shut the door, but the suspect allegedly pulled out a pistol described as a .45 auto and placed it on their head. The suspect then allegedly demanded cash from the victim. The suspect left the residence on foot, got in a vehicle, and headed west on Seven Devil Road. The Sheriff’s Office is seeking leads that will help in the arrest of the suspects involved. If you have information, you’re asked to call 541-396-2102.